[fdo-internals] Spatial contexts for the GDAL Raster provider

Tom Fukushima tom.fukushima at autodesk.com
Thu Jan 25 16:23:17 EST 2007


Lots of discussion about raster providers!

I would like to change the topic a bit.   When MapGuide Studio is used
define layers using GDAL provider feature sources, the preview of the
raster data does not show anything.  The reason for this is that Studio
uses the spatial contexts returned from the provider to set the bounds
and coordinate system to generate the preview, and the GDAL provider is
not returning any spatial contexts.

Now, I know that Studio could do a select aggregate command to calculate
the bounding box, but it does not do this yet.  In the meantime, is it
possible to enhance the GDAL provider to return spatial contexts?  (BTW,
this problem occurs when using the DefaultRasterFileLocation and may not
happen when a configuration doc is supplied---we haven't been able to
get config docs to work yet; it's on my list of things to investigate.)
I know that the spatial contexts coordinate system will usually be
blank, but the bounding box will be useful for Studio.

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