[Featureserver] featureserver and dynamic layers?

Bud P. Bruegger bud at comune.grosseto.it
Fri Mar 14 11:04:02 EDT 2008

> &queryable=cost&cost__lessthan=15

The predicates to use could be:

between  #&age_between=20,60
like     #Q: how to deal with % and _ 
         #(maybe substituted by '~' and '.'?) #   in the query string? 
         #   Else, a LIKE with % added on both sides, 
         #   a STARTSWITH, and an ENDSWITH

for strings, maybe capitalization matters but could be determined by
some default (by datasource?):  else it may be possible to use 
&name__upper=SMITH  or &name__upper__like=%%off

  =>  WHERE species IN ('birch','pine','palm')

&not__<something else>

>From a quick look and an SQL spec, that would only exclude the

* IS NULL  #but easy to include
* SIMILAR TO   #maybe handy for streat and place names
* ~ Regular expressions
* more complex AND OR ()

gotta run to get my kids..


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