[OSGeo Finance] Budget Revision

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Wed Nov 12 22:30:36 EST 2008


I have made a pass over the budget:


Some changes:

1) Upped bank charges to $1500 per year from $1000 based on a review of
our current bank charges for 2008.

2) Added an entry for D&O insurance ($4000).

3) Revised the Salary and Benefits based on projection from PEO and a 90cent
canadian dollar.  Noted that the Salary and Benfits also includes the costs
for the payroll service which used to be nominally appearing in the
"Accounting and Payroll" item though it was actually hard to break out of the
salary charges.

4) Revised hosting from $15K to $14K based on actual charges.

5) Added a DNS service entry ($250) based on current costs plus a bit.

6) I noted that the $8000 accounting charge is intended to cover
professional services for accounting (bookkeeping) and tax filing support.
But we have not really costed anything out in this regard nor do we have
a good idea of what is involved.  I personally think we will need to file
taxes with the IRS in the coming year and that it is only reasonable to
anticipate retaining some sort of professional assistance - at least to get
us through the first filing.

There has also been discussion of bringing in a part time bookkeeper to reduce
the accounting related workload on Tyler.  I'm not positive how much this
would help - it would depend in part on whether such a bookkeeper would
also take care of deposits and cheques or just the data entry from notes
provided by Tyler.

I'd like input on how to solidify this number and plan out what we want to do.

I'd also like to review the travel and office expenses.  If we assume that
the marketing budget should support marketing related expenses for shipping,
travel and entertainment then I think the "ED attributed" travel and office
expenses might be able to drop a bit.  I haven't done a careful analysis
of this years expenses other than to note that some of them were really
marketing expenses (such as shipping Tim Bowden to Capetown).

Lastly, I'm hoping that SAC and Marketing will provide some supporting
material describing how they plan to use their budgets in some more detail.
I'm not sure how realistic that is.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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