[Foss4g2009] Re: Geospatial Integration Showcase - meeting notes [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

mapbutcher mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com
Thu Nov 6 05:43:28 EST 2008


Lots of people contribute to an Open Source project like Openlayers because
> 95% of the functionality exists for my requirements, I only need to add
> another 5%. And after many people contribute 5%, the project becomes
> effective. The key is that an initial investment needs to be made so that
> others can make small additions and get a lot of value.

My feeling here is that to have legs this project may need more than your
presented estimates  - and that to make the showcase worthwhile the initial
investment needed to allow others to come in and add value will be

> So base requirement we need to produce for the showcase is:
> 1. One server with multiple virtual machines which OTHER people can add
> their products into.

I would not support investing in hardware and software to support the event
on a permenant basis without effort being invested in suggesting the ongoing
benefit and sustainability of the project.

> 2. A marketing pipeline - in the form of conferences (which the OGC & OSGeo
> should be able to provide at no extra cost).

Conferences provide a platform but they don't provide the material\resources
to market - again what are we marketing (a box with some software, a
scenario and possibly some data  - I'm not sure this is enough to market.)

> 3. Suggestions for a scenario, which are used by OTHERS when building their
> presentations.

I think its more than a scenario -  its a scenario,  data package, set of
guidelines, plus a boat load of support along the way - for example its
about presenting a package which provides interested parties with motivation
to get involved, again IMO thats more than a scenario, if for example you
approach a vendor with the aformentioned box, and perhaps some data and say
- hey,  present an example of your software integrating with other systems,
i think they'll want to understand the value proposition to invest the time
in the work

> Base 0 functionality will contain:
> 1. PostGIS database
> 2. Some other database
> 3. Mapserver WMS/WFS
> 4. Geoserver WMS/WFS
> 5. Some other WMS/WFS
> I expect that software developer communities will set up these services for
> us.

The logistics of managing these communities is not estimated. If we just
assume for the moment that we had a server with ESX (or something similar) -
from someone who administers ESX VM's for a whole office of people its more
work than you might think. Then you've got the scenario of setting up the
access to each VM, making sure they are up and ready (presumably remotely)
before the event - there's a lot of infrastructure type support involved.

> That is it.

I think your proposed vision is valid and I'm not wanting to spread FUD its
just that i'd like to move the agenda beyond the vision. Even providing a
very basic infrastructure and basic scenario/data i think you under estimate
the work involved and more importantly i think we run the risk of going
where others have gone before?


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