[Foss4g2009] wesbite changes

mapbutcher mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com
Mon Oct 6 05:16:51 EDT 2008

> I'm not clear what role TH now plays with respect to
> the website's content and functionality.

Dave - agreed i'm not sure either- i remember reading there were a number of
'agreed' changes that TH would make to the site?

Now that the
> initial prototype that TH developed is live, it seems
> to me that the Live version is the "master copy", and
> everything should derive from it(should it be put into
> OSGeo's SVN?).

+1 this would make changes a lot easier to apply - we'd need to raise a SAC
ticket for this I suspect

> Some things will have to have TH involvement,
> but not all changes would need to go through them?

Yes minor changes like corrections/links etc we shoud just be able to make
and apply without having to go through TH - and when a change is required
from TH we can just svn export and send to them (or provide svn access?)

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