[Francophone] Failed at using GDAL_OGR and Shapelib with Visual Studio 2008 9.0

Yves Jacolin (Free) yjacolin at free.fr
Wed Apr 10 01:05:45 PDT 2013


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Le mardi 9 avril 2013 22:57:07 MARION VIOLOT a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I have tried for at least two weeks to find a way to manipulate shapefiles
> in a project in Visual Studio C++. I found two libraries (GDAL_OGR and
> Shapelib) which could help me to do it, but I failed at using them with VS
> C++ 2008.
> Indeed, I follow this link :
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/BuildingOnWindows and tried to used the
> prebuild libraries as well as built it myself (by first choosing version of
> GDAL here : http://www.gisinternals.com/sdk/), but I have same errors which
> is a LNK2001 unresolved external symbol. I thought I linked well the
> gdal_i.lib ( Project Properties > Linking Options > Additional Librairy >
> Path to gdal_i.lib, I also add gdal_i.lib (only the name) where I have to,
> and add the path to my includes files also in Project Properties > C++/C
> Options).
> I thought may be I have to add reference to my gdal.dll. So I added the
> path of bin\gdal.dll to the option Add path reference. But I had the same
> error. I was thinking about use #import *.dll and/or #unsing *.dll but I
> don't really understand how doing this (I looked through
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/ ). Anyway, it might be unuseful as I
> already linked my *.lib, isn't it?
> So I tried to use Shapelib dowloaded from here, but I just failed to build
> the library as it seems some *.h are missing.
> If you have any advice, I would be very releaved and of course grateful.
> Thank you in advance.
> Marion.

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