[Gdal-dev] Memory leak fixes in ogrfeaturesytle.cpp

Steve Brooks sbrooks2 at kc.rr.com
Sun Sep 28 00:38:06 EDT 2003

  I ran across several memory leaks in ogrfeaturestyle.cpp
with a large input file and querying the feature style string I was
getting several thousand memory leaks.
The problem was in two places, first in CreateStyleToolFromStyleString
it was not calling CSLDestroy(papszToken);
Then in the destructors of OGRStyleTool subclasses they were
only calling CPLFree(m_pasStyleValue);
The problem with this is m_pasStyleValue is a vector like class of
several OGRStyleValue's.  Inside OGRStyleValue can be a pointer to a
heap allocated string in pszValue, which was the leak.
Below are the changes that fixed these leaks.
Steve Brooks
$ diff clean/gdal/ogr/ogrfeaturestyle.cpp
>     OGRStyleTool *poStyleTool = NULL;
<     if (CSLCount(papszToken) <2)
<       return NULL;
<     if (EQUAL(papszToken[0],"PEN"))
<       return new OGRStylePen();
<     else if (EQUAL(papszToken[0],"BRUSH"))
<       return new OGRStyleBrush();
<     else if (EQUAL(papszToken[0],"SYMBOL"))
<       return new OGRStyleSymbol();
<     else if (EQUAL(papszToken[0],"LABEL"))
<       return new OGRStyleLabel();
<     else
<       return NULL;
>     if (CSLCount(papszToken) >= 2)
>     {
>       if (EQUAL(papszToken[0],"PEN"))
>          poStyleTool = new OGRStylePen();
>       else if (EQUAL(papszToken[0],"BRUSH"))
>          poStyleTool = new OGRStyleBrush();
>       else if (EQUAL(papszToken[0],"SYMBOL"))
>          poStyleTool = new OGRStyleSymbol();
>       else if (EQUAL(papszToken[0],"LABEL"))
>          poStyleTool = new OGRStyleLabel();
>     }
>     CSLDestroy(papszToken);
>     return poStyleTool;
>    for (int i = 0; i < OGRSTPenLast; i++)
>    {
>       if (m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue != NULL)
>       {
>          CPLFree(m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue);
>          m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue = NULL;
>       }
>    }
>    for (int i = 0; i < OGRSTBrushLast; i++)
>    {
>       if (m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue != NULL)
>       {
>          CPLFree(m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue);
>          m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue = NULL;
>       }
>    }
>    for (int i = 0; i < OGRSTSymbolLast; i++)
>    {
>       if (m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue != NULL)
>       {
>          CPLFree(m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue);
>          m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue = NULL;
>       }
>    }
<     CPLFree(m_pasStyleValue);
>    if (m_pasStyleValue != NULL)
>    {
>       for (int i = 0; i < OGRSTLabelLast; i++)
>       {
>          if (m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue != NULL)
>          {
>             CPLFree(m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue);
>             m_pasStyleValue[i].pszValue = NULL;
>          }
>       }
>    }
>    CPLFree(m_pasStyleValue);
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