[Gdal-dev] Landsat

Norman Vine nhv at cape.com
Mon Mar 1 18:55:58 EST 2004

Clay, Bruce writes:
> Are there any functions in the GDAL package for working with Landsat
> images, in particular merging multiple layers into a single (RGB) images
> and selecting a specific subset of the image.

Probably easiest to do with Python

see attached simplistic script for merging bands to RGB and
gdal_merge.py, gdalwarp or gdal_translate for clipping ops
or extend the script todo your clipping too :-)

note attached script is realy just to demonstrate 'how' this
could be done and not really designed for production use
where you  would probably want todo color correction also


-------------- next part --------------
#! /usr/bin/python
Make a RGB LandSat Image with color correction
using bands 3 2 1 as R G B

Expects one argument
    basename of dataset
    ie without the trailing '_nnX.tif'
    all 3 band files must exist in the same directory

Needs the Numeric

the GDAL extension
prebuilt extensions included in OpenEV

and the Python Imaging extensions <PIL>

Author: Norman Vine - nhv at cape.com

import os,sys
from gdalnumeric import *
from PIL import Image,ImageOps
from gzip import GzipFile

# change this to suit
#DEFAULT_FILE = "p012r30_5t900908"
DEFAULT_FILE = "p004r48_4t920625"
#DEFAULT_FILE = "p012r30_5t900908"

def red_lut():
    return make_lut(0.6024, -1.5, 7.0/256.0)

def green_lut():
    return make_lut(1.1749, -2.8, 5.0/256.0)

def blue_lut():
    return make_lut(0.8059, -1.2, 3.0/256.0)

def ColorCorrect(band, lut, clip=None):
    image = ArrayToImage(band)
    # transform image with our lut
    image = image.point(lut)
    # stretch contrast by ignoring the black background
    # and clipping a bit of our histogram's tails
    # original LandSat Images apparently have [0 0 0] for background
    image = ImageOps.autocontrast(image,cutoff=clip,ignore=[0,254,255])
    return ImageToArray(image)
    return ImageToArray(ImageOps.autocontrast(ArrayToImage(band).point(lut),cutoff=clip,ignore=[0]))
def makeLandsatRGB(base_name, LUT=None):
    """ """
    print "\nProcessing %s\n"%(base_name)

    if LUT is None:
        print "creating LUTs\n"
        LUT = [red_lut(),green_lut(),blue_lut()]

    ds = getBands(base_name)

    merged_ds = getMerged(base_name, ds)

    BANDS = ["RED","GREEN","BLUE"]
    print "\nprocessing"
    for i in range(1,4,1):
        print"\t band %s"%(BANDS[i-1])
        print "\t\treading"
        band = BandReadAsArray(ds[i-1].GetRasterBand(1),0,0,None,None)
        print "\t\ttransforming"
        band = ColorCorrect(band, LUT[i-1], clip=0.01)
        BandWriteArray( merged_ds.GetRasterBand(i), band )

    for i in range(1,4,1):
    print "\n=== %s.tif written ===\n"%(base_name)

def splitLandsatRGB(base_name,data_path="./"):
    """  """
    print "\nProcessing %s\n"%(data_path)
    merged_ds = gdal.Open("%s.tif"%(data_path)) #(base_name))

    print "\tRed:   %s_nn3.tif"%(base_name)
    red_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff").Create(
        "%s_nn3.tif"%(base_name), merged_ds.RasterXSize, merged_ds.RasterYSize, 1 )
    CopyDatasetInfo(merged_ds, red_ds )
    BandWriteArray( red_ds.GetRasterBand(1), BandReadAsArray(merged_ds.GetRasterBand(1),0,0,None,None) )

    print "\tGreen: %s_nn2.tif"%(base_name)
    green_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff").Create(
        "%s_nn2.tif"%(base_name), merged_ds.RasterXSize, merged_ds.RasterYSize, 1 )
    CopyDatasetInfo(merged_ds, green_ds )
    BandWriteArray( green_ds.GetRasterBand(1), BandReadAsArray(merged_ds.GetRasterBand(2),0,0,None,None) )

    print "\tBlue:  %s_nn1.tif"%(base_name)
    blue_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff").Create(
        "%s_nn1.tif"%(base_name), merged_ds.RasterXSize, merged_ds.RasterYSize, 1 )
    CopyDatasetInfo(merged_ds, blue_ds )
    BandWriteArray( blue_ds.GetRasterBand(1), BandReadAsArray(merged_ds.GetRasterBand(3),0,0,None,None) )

def unzip(fname):
    out_file = open(fname,"wb")
    zip_file = GzipFile(fname+".gz","r")
def ArrayToImage(a):
    return i

def ImageToArray(i):
    a.shape=i.im.size[1], i.im.size[0]
    return a

def getBands(base_name):    
    print "unzipping"
    ds = []
    for i in range(3,0,-1):
    return ds

def getBand(ds,base_name,i):
    print"\t band %d"%(i)
    name = "%s_nn%d.tif"%(base_name,i)

def getMerged(base_name, ds):    
    merged_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff").Create(
        "%s.tif"%(base_name), ds[0].RasterXSize, ds[0].RasterYSize, 3 )
    CopyDatasetInfo(ds[0],merged_ds )
    return merged_ds
def stretch(band):
    mmin = minimum.reduce(ravel(band))
    mmax = maximum.reduce(ravel(band))
    band = (band - mmin) / (mmax - mmin)
    return band
def make_lut(gain,bias,exposure):
    lut  = arange(0,256,1,'f')
    ilut = arange(0,256,1,'b')
    lut = clip(256-256*exp(-exposure*(gain*lut+bias)),0,255)
    for i in range(256):
        ilut[i] = lut[i]
#    print ilut
    return ilut

if __name__ == "__main__":
#    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
#        fname = sys.argv[1]
#    else:
#        fname = DEFAULT_FILE
#    names = ["p012r30_5t900908","p011r31_5t901003","p012r31_5t870916",
#             "p007r52_5t19861231","p007r53_5t19861231","p013r55_4t880206" ]
#             "p004r48_4t920625","p004r47_5t910207"]

#    makeLandsatRGB("p011r31_5t901003")
#    names = ["p012r43_5t19840603"]
#    for fname in names:
#        makeLandsatRGB(dirname,fname)
#        splitLandsatRGB(fname)
#        os.system("../PrepData/Prepland3 %s_nn"%(fname))
#    hires_names = ["1","2"]
#    hires_names = ["stcroix_e","stcroix_w"]
#    hires_names = ["stcroix_w"]
#    hires_names = ["hadleys","quisset","juniper"]
    data_path = "f:/data/processed"
    for fname in hires_names:
        os.system("../PrepData/Prepland3 %s_nn"%(fname))


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