[Gdal-dev] how to know if GDALOpen(filename,GA_Update) is valid ?

Stephane Routelous route at cae.com
Mon Oct 4 14:53:02 EDT 2004


according to the documentation of GDALOpen, "Many drivers support only read
only access".
How do I know if a driver only has read access ?

Because, if I really need to open a raster in read/write mode, if the driver
does not support write, I need to use a in-memory raster if the driver
supports createcopy.

ex : (pseudo-code)

GDALDataset* ds = GDALOpen(filename,GA_Update); //let's say the driver for
"filename" has only read access
GDALRasterBand* band = ds->GetRasterBand(1);
band->RasterIO( GF_Write,whatever the other parameters are);//here, problem.

Thanks in advance,


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