[Gdal-dev] How to add a NODATA flag to GTiff data?

Thom DeCarlo t.r.decarlo at larc.nasa.gov
Thu Sep 16 13:24:49 EDT 2004

I've got several IFSAR DEM files in geotiff format. Each has a border of
NODATA values (-9999.0) around the real data. My OpenSceneGraph application
(osgdem, which uses gdal to read the input data) should understand that the
default NODATA value is -9999, but it uses that value instead of ignoring

I remember that when I translated ArcGrid data, which had NODATA values
defined in the header, to geotiff the output had a NODATA field in the
header. My question now is how do I add the NODATA field to the geotiff file
when translating from geotiff or Erdas Imagine format?


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