[Gdal-dev] Re: Building GDAL with eVC++ 4.0

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon May 30 17:02:55 EDT 2005

Andrey Kiselev napisał(a):
> On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 11:21:01AM +0200, Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
>>I'm trying to build (and port if necessary) GDAL using Microsoft
>>eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 compiler. It is a kind of better Visual C++
>>6.0 compiler, so it supports some of new C++ features. So, I'd like to
>>ask a few question:
>>1)Has anybody built GDAL with eVC++ 4.0?
>>2)Is there any documentation for CPL?
> Mateusz,
> It is not easy task to compile GDAL with the Embedded VC (but it is
> possible, I am sure). 

I belive it is possible :-)

 > The main problem is that we do not have a way to
> automatically determine the embedded modification of the VC compiler. Of
> course, we can use a special option in the nmake.opt file, but this is
> not implemented yet. The main work is in proper header guards placement.

I don't think that main problem is with the compiler determination.
For now, I see there are some libraries/files missed in C standard 
library used by eVC++. But it is also possible to work wih this.

eVC++ IDE prvides similar BAT file as "big" Visual Studi to reconfigure
build environment (INCLUDE/LINK path, etc.)

What do you mean as "heade guards placement"?

> The problem is not in GDAL only, all supporting libraries (libtiff,
> libjpeg, libpng, zlib, proj4) should be revised too.

Yes, you are right. But i do not want to use/have libtiff/libjpeg/libpng
in my GDAL (OGR) for Windows CE.
I do only need Vector support.
But proj4 is needed.


Mateusz Łoskot
mateusz at loskot dot net

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