[Gdal-dev] Java library for reading ESRI shapefiles?

Luis W. Sevilla sevilla_lui at gva.es
Tue Nov 8 19:35:35 EST 2005

Hi Frank, Peter,
Frank Warmerdam wrote:

>On 11/8/05, Pete Nagy <Peter.Nagy at vexcel.com> wrote:
>>I'd like to see gdal wrapped in java.  How hard would it be to swig it?
>>The python wrappers were initially created with an old version of swig,
>The answer is that it is a fair amount of work to do a good
>SWIG binding for GDAL and OGR.  There is the start of one
>already under the gdal/swig tree, but it is quite incomplete.
>In particular it needs typemaps and some other glue for various
>The Java works similarly to c# which I have also run into some
>challenges with.
>There is a manually prepared Java binding for GDAL prepared
>by the gvSig team that is useful though it is still my hope to
>prepare "official SWIG generated bindings" at some point.  It
>would be helpful to have a Java SWIG Binding champion to
>pursue those bindings.  The GDAL SWIG bindings that are
>working well now (Ruby, Python and Perl) all have a champion
>ensuring they are complete.
We're almost ready to do a try with some GDAL parts (gdalwarp and 
gdal_translate). If
it goes ok we'll continue until (hopely) finishing the job, but of 
course it will take time


  Luis W. Sevilla
  Responsable de desarrollo gvSIG en la / gvSIG development Chief at
  Conselleria de Infraestructuras y Transporte
  Generalitat Valenciana
  Valencia - Spain

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