[Gdal-dev] [Fwd: [Geotools-devel] Google Summer Of Code]

Daniele Romagnoli dany.geotools at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 13:38:55 EDT 2006

Dear Mr Loskot,

I can quote one of the errors encountered during the building process:


C:\gdal\frmts>cd gtiff   && nmake /NOLOGO /f makefile.vc   && cd ..
        cl /nologo /MD /EHsc /Zi /Fd..\..\gdal.pdb -I..\..\port -I..\..\ogr
\..\gcore  -I..\..\alg -Ilibtiff -Ilibgeotiff /c tifvsi.cpp
C:\Programmi\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE\swprintf.inl(41) : error
: '_vswprintf_c_l' : cannot convert parameter 4 from 'void *' to '_locale_t'
        Conversion from 'void*' to pointer to non-'void' requires an
explicit ca
C:\Programmi\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE\swprintf.inl(51) : error
: '_vswprintf_c_l' : cannot convert parameter 4 from 'void *' to '_locale_t'
        Conversion from 'void*' to pointer to non-'void' requires an
explicit ca
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Programmi\Microsoft Visual Studio
E"' : return code '0x2'

I dont remember how I have solved this error, but after compiling the SWIG
wrapped C++ files into DLLs using NMAKE ( makefile.vc needs a little edit),
I wasn't able to exploit the DLL from eclipse (although the
java.library.path was properly set) due to problems with the

Best Regards,

(Daniele is an italian male name, while Daniela is a female name ^_^ )

On 7/6/06, Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at loskot.net> wrote:
> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> > During the GDAL-SWIG-WINDOWS setup process I have encountered some
> > difficults (during the building process) using Visual C++ Express
> > Edition (and wasting a bit of time).
> > Finally, I have installed Visual C++ 2003, tuned the makefile and now it
> > works.
> I'm interested in what problems Daniele encountered so she (forgive me
> if I recognized the name incorrectly) is not able
> to build with Visual C++ Express Edition.
> I'm building GDAL with Visual C++ EE quite frequently without any problem.
> I can give my hand to help with this.
> Frank, what do you think?
> Cheers
> --
> Mateusz Loskot
> http://mateusz.loskot.net
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