[Gdal-dev] swig java: c/c++

Christine Spietz spietz at fh-bingen.de
Thu May 11 03:22:02 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I'm trying to use the gdal/ogr-API with Java bindings and have some problems 
by generating/compiling the necessary c/c++ files.

My system:
- Linux Suse 10.0,
- Java 1.4.2
- gcc-c++ 4.0.2
- GDAL-Api from daily snapshoot: gdal-cvs-20060509 

I followed the steps Norman Barker recommended in 

...Compile the C/C++ files into DLLs... This can be done by going into the 
swig/java directory and calling 'make build' ...

The problem:
If I go into the swig/java directoty and call 'make build' there is the 
first error:
[ GNUmakefile:3 ../../GDALmake.opt: No such file or directory ]
=> So I changed in swig/java/GNUmakefile the first include from 
'GDALmake.opt' to 'GDALmake.opt.in'. This will solve this problem.

Then again I call 'make build' and the next error occurs:
swig -Wall -I../inculde -I ../include/java -outdir "org/gdal/gdal" -package 
"org.gdal.gdal" -[@abs_top_builddir -c++ -java -o gdal_wrap.cpp gdal.i
... /bin/sh: swig: command not found
make: *** [gdal_wrap.cpp] Error 127

Can anybody please help?

Best regards


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