[Gdal-dev] Error compiling gdal: libgrass_I.so: cannot open shared object file

Patton, Eric epatton at nrcan.gc.ca
Tue Nov 14 11:13:45 EST 2006

I receive the following error after trying to run gdalinfo/translate after having successfully running configure, make, and make install on gdal 1.3.2:

libgrass_I.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The only errors/warnings that occurred at the end of make was:

/usr/bin/ld: warning: libstdc++.so.5, needed by /usr/local/gdal-1.3.2/.libs/libgdal.so, may conflict with libstdc++.so.6

Note that I specifically complied without Grass support:

./configure \
--without-grass \
--with-png=internal \
--with-jpeg=internal \
--with-gif=internal \
--with-libtiff=internal \
--with-geotiff=internal \
--with-libz=internal \
--with-proj-share=/usr/local/share/proj \
--without-pg \
--with-hdf \
--with-hdf-includes=/usr/include/hdf \
--without-ogdi \
--with-python \
--with-sqlite \

Here's my output from configure:

GDAL is now configured for i686-pc-linux-gnu

  Installation directory:    /usr/local
  C compiler:                gcc -O2
  C++ compiler:              g++ -O2

  LIBTOOL support:           yes

  LIBZ support:              internal
  GRASS support:             no
  CFITSIO support:           no
  PCRaster support:          internal
  NETCDF support:            yes
  LIBPNG support:            internal
  LIBTIFF support:           internal
  LIBGEOTIFF support:        internal
  LIBJPEG support:           internal
  LIBGIF support:            internal
  OGDI support:              no
  HDF4 support:              yes
  HDF5 support:              yes
  KAKADU support:            no
  JASPER support:            yes (GeoJP2=no)
  ECW support:               no
  MrSID support:             no
  POSTGRESQL support:        no
  MySQL support:             no
  XERCES support:            no
  ODBC support:              yes
  OCI support:               no
  SDE support:               no
  DODS support:              no
  SQLite support:            yes
  DWGdirect support          no
  PANORAMA GIS support:      no
  GEOS support:              yes

  Statically link PROJ.4:    no

  Traditional Python:        yes
  NG SWIG Bindings:

  enable OGR building:       yes

Any ideas on what is going wrong? 


~ Eric.

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