[Gdal-dev] Any prior work integrating GDAL with ImageIO?

Daniele Romagnoli dany.geotools at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 06:38:08 EDT 2007

During the Google Summer Of Code 2006, I developed a GDAL-ImageIO
framework which provides Image I/O - ImageReader/ImageWriters (note
that writing capabilities are not 100% production ready but readers
are pretty robust)  leveraging on GDAL's Java Binding.

The architecture has been deeply improved after the GSOC and now it
has just been accepted by the SUN guys as a sibling project of ImageIO
thererfore we are working in order to do the first public release.

The actual framework already provides support for GeoTIFF (RW), JPEG (R),
ArcGrid (R), JPEG2000 (based on KAKADU- RW), MrSID (R), ECW (R), HDF4 (R).
Note that, adding
support for other GDAL formats is an easy task. The framework's user
simply needs to extend the base classes to define a specific
FORMATImageReader/FORMATImageWriter (and additional CreateOptions
support) for the required format he wish to add support for.

Actually, I'm a busy with my Master Thesis, but me, or Simone
Giannecchini (The Imageio-ext project owner as well as my SOC mentor
and CEO of GeoSolutions) will be glad to give you more info. Note that
he's going to be at FOSS4G in case you'd be attending it.

On 9/14/07, Gibbs, Solomon <Solomon_Gibbs at sra.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I asked this list earlier about the current status of the GDAL Java
> bindings. Some related web searches turned up a number of posts
> (including some SoC discussion) from people interested in wrapping GDAL
> as a driver for the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) ImageIO library.
> Has anyone seen any actual design work (articles, papers, issue
> identification, etc.) on this subject? I don't have a great
> understanding of the ImageIO internals, but I expect that there's at
> least some paradigm mismatches that will have to be worked around.
> Thanks in advance,
> - Solomon
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Best Regards,
Daniele Romagnoli
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