[gdal-dev] OT: subversion configuration

Christopher Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Sat Jul 26 16:24:18 EDT 2008

Ari Jolma wrote:
>>> I want to keep all files locally LF also in Windows. I've set

Unfortunately, I don't think SVN supports this idea. The eol-style 
property is set on the file, and everyone that checks it out gets that 
property. What this means is that it is that what it is set to is a 
project level decision, and my experience says that "native" is the only 
  reasonable option for text files -- you simply can't count on editors 
dealing with non-native line feeds properly(even though many do), and 
you really get a mess if they don't.

> In the menu Tortoise adds into file managers in Windows, there is a 
> properties command, which opens a window of Property => Value data (of 
> the file I presume). The svn:eol-style seems to be native always. I 
> changed this to LF and the effect is just what I want. The file comes 
> back LF even if I delete it, i.e., the property is set also in the server.

right, but that means that anyone else that checks out that file on any 
system is going to get LF, and if they have a stupid Windows editor or 
compiler, that could cause problems.

> I assume I shouldn't set the property to LF for files which I don't 
> "own" (everything else than the Perl bindings)? 

The trouble is that even though you are the primary editor of the Perl 
bindings, others will, at the very least, check out the files and look 
at them or compile them. I don't think it's a good idea to have 
different systems for different parts of the the same project -- 
wouldn't it get messy for you, if no one else?

Why do you need LF on Windows? Why not just use Windows line endings on 
windows? With a decent editor is should be completely transparent anyway.

Ideally, your SVN client would let you define what "native" linefeeds 
mean to you, but I don't know that Tortoise (or any other) client 
supports that. You might try a feature request.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

NOAA/OR&R/HAZMAT         (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
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