[Gdal-dev] problems warping a netcdf file

Edward Fialkowski wef1 at cec.wustl.edu
Wed Nov 26 11:43:44 EST 2008

Steve, that write up was excellent.  Thank you for that.  You
definitely weren't telling me anything I already know.
If I could just get a little more help, I think I'm so close.  My
output file seems to have problems.  The resulting image is 25k, but
it's just black.
Gdalinfo on the resulting geotiff (test.tif):
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Size is 119, 152
Coordinate System is:
Origin = (-113.117651610910784,60.203870178822328)
Pixel Size = (0.135957945826561,-0.135957945826561)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (-113.1176516,  60.2038702) (113d 7'3.55"W, 60d12'13.93"N)
Lower Left  (-113.1176516,  39.5382624) (113d 7'3.55"W, 39d32'17.74"N)
Upper Right ( -96.9386561,  60.2038702) ( 96d56'19.16"W, 60d12'13.93"N)
Lower Right ( -96.9386561,  39.5382624) ( 96d56'19.16"W, 39d32'17.74"N)
Center      (-105.0281538,  49.8710663) (105d 1'41.35"W, 49d52'15.84"N)
Band 1 Block=119x68 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray

(Coordinates look pretty good, just about over US)

I wasn't completely clear on the correct syntax for the proj call, the
first few I tried gave me a 0 dx and dy, so here's the best I got:
proj +proj=lcc +lat_1=33 +lat_2=45 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-97 +a=6370000
+b=6370000 <<EOF
> 0_0_0 0_0_0
> 148_ny_nx 112_ny_nx
replaced ("LON" with 148 and "LAT" with 112, my lower right point is
which gives me:
10908379.76     1690481.54_0_0 0_0_0
-11877294.73    3954472.04_ny_nx 112_ny_nx

gives me dx=-6591.2583, dy=20396.3108
You said geoTransform is x0-dx/2, dx, 0, y0-dy/2, dy.  I'm hoping x0
and y0 are 0 (upper left?)
<GeoTransform>3295.62915, -6591.2583, 0.0, -10198.1554, 0.0,
in form of x0-dx/2, dx, 0, y0-dy/2, 0, dy

I hate to ask you to check all my syntax after such amazing help, but
I would be incredibly grateful.
Thanks again.

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