[gdal-dev] libgrass

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Wed Apr 1 13:24:51 EDT 2009

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 6:22 PM, James McManus <jmpmcmanus at gmail.com> wrote:
> gdalinfo knows where the /usr/lib64 directory is located, but it is
> expecting files with a .so suffix.  I installed libgrass using fedora's yum.
> It does not produce grass libraries with a .so suffix.

As a GRASS developer I confirm Frank's observation: libgrass is
ancient and will only work with GRASS 4 and GRASS 5 and the
respective old GDAL versions. Maybe even non-functional on
64bit platforms which weren't so much in use in those days...


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