[gdal-dev] gdalwarp on large files

Laura Toma ltoma at bowdoin.edu
Mon Jun 1 13:58:44 EDT 2009


I am trying to create a large DEM from SRTM3 data.  I have a folder  
'australia' which includes 1060 .hgt tiles downloaded from  
'rome0srp01u.ecs.nasa.gov/', and I am trying to create a tiff for all  
the tiles in this folder.

I have tried to run 'gdalwarp'  several times and every time the   
server gets reset (see below) after  processing the first .hgt file.   
The tiles are not that large (i think i3600x3600), but processing the  
first tile takes hours.

Has anybody tried anything similar? Am I doing something wrong?  Any  
advise would be greatly appreciated.


 > gdalwarp *hgt srtm_mosaik_australasia.tiff
Creating output file that is 432001P x 40801L.
Processing input file S11E119.hgt.
Using internal nodata values (eg. -32768) for image S11E119.hgt.
0...10...20...30...40...50...60..Read from remote host cod: Connection  
reset by peer

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