[gdal-dev] gdal_merge error with large 16 bit images

Ned Horning horning at amnh.org
Mon Mar 23 05:04:10 EDT 2009


I am having trouble running gdal_merge on large unsigned 16 bit imagery. 
I am using the OSGeo4W installation of gdal_merge.py. When I run it on 
8-bit unsigned GeoTiff imagery (Landsat TM) the program works as 
expected. When I run it on two small 16-bit unsigned int GeoTiff subsets 
(500 samples x 1000 lines) from an IKONOS image that also works as 
expected. However, when I try to mosaic two large (~1.4GB/image) 
unsigned integer GeoTiff images (IKONOS) the program ends with a Windows 
error message: “python.exe has encounters a problem and needs to 
close.”Here is some additional information:

When I run gdal_merge using the large IKONOS imagery on my Ubuntu box I 
get a segmentation fault error.

I'm running this on a laptop with Windows XP and 1GB RAM. The command I 
am using is pasted below.

I am able to mosaic the images using gdalwarp but it takes over 4 hours 
to complete and when I run these under Ubuntu a question mark ("?") is 
tacked to the end of the output file name.

Unfortunately the images are too large for me to upload since I'm 
currently in Tanzania.

I'm not sure if this information is useful to troubleshoot but any help 
that someone can provide would be appreciated.

All the best,


C:\>gdal_merge -o e:\IKONOS\mosaic2.tif -ot Int16 

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