[gdal-dev] ECW support (Re: [Qgis-user] Raster data formats)

Agustin Lobo alobolistas at gmail.com
Fri May 22 05:54:01 EDT 2009

Apparently, there is no problem for including ECW support
in gdal binaries ?

Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-developer/2009-May/006931.html

> *Paolo Cavallini* cavallini at faunalia.it 
> <mailto:qgis-developer%40lists.osgeo.org?Subject=%5BQgis-developer%5D%20%5BFwd%3A%20RE%3A%20%5BFwd%3A%20ECW%20licence%5D%5D&In-Reply-To=>
> /Wed May 20 01:59:55 EDT 2009/
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi all.
> I receive this reply from ERDAS. I hope this will solve the issue. If
> not, please let me know, so we'll try to clarify the remaining issues.
> All the best.
> -------- Messaggio Originale  --------
> Oggetto: RE: [Fwd: ECW licence]
> Data: Tue, 19 May 2009 14:27:42 -0400
> Hi,
> Yes.  This is perfectly fine, so long as you comply with the license
> conditions:
> - Desktop only application
> - Support ECWP
> - Limit compression to 500mb (uncompressed input size)
> Please let me know how you get on?  I keep a list of all ECW-supported
> applications :)
> Thanks,
> Richard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paolo Cavallini [mailto:cavallini at faunalia.it <http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer>]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 1:42 PM
> Richard Orchard ha scritto:
> >/ You are able to add read support for ECW files, and compression
> />/ limited to 500mb uncompressed input into your desktop application, at
> />/ no charge.
> />/ 
> />/ However, to comply with the license you must also support the
> />/ streaming ECWP  protocol.  This is explained in, and part of, the
> />/ same software development kit.
> />/ 
> />/ If you would like to compress larger amounts of data, or install the
> />/ SDK on server-side systems, you would need to obtain a commercial
> />/ license,
> /
> Dear Richard,
> thanks for your reply. We are aware of the technical limitations of ECW
> SDK, but we are still uncertain about the legal side of the problem. Can
> we compile QGIS with ECW support, using Erdas SDK, and redistribute
> freely the resulting package?
> This will, in our view, increase both the attractiveness of QGIS to
> professional GIS users and the popularity of ECW as a format.
> Thanking you in advance.
> All the best.
> -- 
> Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc
> -- 
> Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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