[Gdal-dev] How to save picture into bmp-file?

ryabis ryabis at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 08:04:17 EDT 2009

Sorry, but I`m just started to use C++ and GDAL library... :thinking:
I have opened the image, using this code:

void BIScrollView::loadFile(QString biFileName)
   canv->resize(biLbl->width(), biLbl->height());
    if( biFileName.isEmpty() )
	biFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( "/data/" );
    pszFilename = biFileName;
    if( biIsOpen )
    if( !biFileName.isEmpty() ){
	m_Dataset_1 = NULL;
	m_Dataset_1 = ( GDALDataset* )GDALOpen( biFileName, GA_ReadOnly );
	if( m_Dataset_1 != NULL ){
	    biIsOpen = true;
	    imgInfo_1.DriverMeta  = m_Dataset_1->GetDriver()->GetMetadataItem(
	    imgInfo_1.DriverDescr = m_Dataset_1->GetDriver()->GetDescription();
	    imgInfo_1.RasterXSize = m_Dataset_1->GetRasterXSize();
	    imgInfo_1.RasterYSize = m_Dataset_1->GetRasterYSize();
	    imgInfo_1.RasterCount = m_Dataset_1->GetRasterCount();
	    imgInfo_1.DataType = m_Dataset_1->GetRasterBand( 1
	    GDALColorTable * ColorTable = m_Dataset_1->GetRasterBand( 1
	    if( ColorTable ){
		if( imgInfo_1.RasterCount == 1 ){
		    imgInfo_1.ColorEntryCount = ColorTable->GetColorEntryCount();
	    xScrollBar->setMaxValue( imgInfo_1.RasterXSize - biLbl->width() );
	    yScrollBar->setMaxValue( imgInfo_1.RasterYSize - biLbl->height() );
	    qWarning( "RasterXSize = "+QString::number( imgInfo_1.RasterXSize -
biLbl->width() ) );
	    qWarning( "RasterYSize = "+QString::number( imgInfo_1.RasterYSize -
biLbl->height() ) );
	    switch( imgInfo_1.DataType )
	    case GDT_Byte     : qWarning( "DataType = Eight bit unsigned integer"
);      break;
	    case GDT_UInt16   : qWarning( "DataType = Sixteen bit unsigned integer"
);    break;
	    case GDT_Int16    : qWarning( "DataType = Sixteen bit signed integer"
);      break;
	    case GDT_UInt32   : qWarning( "DataType = Thirty two bit unsigned
integer" ); break;
	    case GDT_Int32    : qWarning( "DataType = Thirty two bit signed
integer" );   break;
	    case GDT_Float32  : qWarning( "DataType = Thirty two bit floating
point" );   break;
	    case GDT_Float64  : qWarning( "DataType = Sixty four bit floating
point" );   break;
	    case GDT_CInt16   : qWarning( "DataType = Complex Int16" );                  
	    case GDT_CInt32   : qWarning( "DataType = Complex Int32" );                  
	    case GDT_CFloat32 : qWarning( "DataType = Complex Float32" );                
	    case GDT_CFloat64 : qWarning( "DataType = Complex Float64" );                
	    poBand_1 = m_Dataset_1->GetRasterBand( 1 );
	    imgInfo_1.ColorInterp = poBand_1->GetColorInterpretation();
	    switch( imgInfo_1.ColorInterp )
	    case GCI_GrayIndex      : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Greyscale" );                            
	    case GCI_PaletteIndex 	: qWarning( "ColorInterp = Paletted (see
associated color table)" ); break;
	    case GCI_RedBand        : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Red band of RGBA
image" );                break;
	    case GCI_GreenBand      : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Green band of RGBA
image" );              break;
	    case GCI_BlueBand       : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Blue band of RGBA
image" );               break;
	    case GCI_AlphaBand      : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Alpha
(0=transparent, 255=opaque)" );     break;
	    case GCI_HueBand        : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Hue band of HLS
image" );                 break;
	    case GCI_SaturationBand : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Saturation band of
HLS image" );          break;
	    case GCI_LightnessBand  : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Lightness band of
HLS image" );           break;
	    case GCI_CyanBand       : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Cyan band of CMYK
image" );               break;
	    case GCI_MagentaBand    : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Magenta band of CMYK
image" );            break;
	    case GCI_YellowBand     : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Yellow band of CMYK
image" );             break;
	    case GCI_BlackBand      : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Black band of CMLY
image" );              break;
//	    case GCI_YCbCr_YBand    : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Y Luminance" );                          
//	    case GCI_YCbCr_CbBand   : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Cb Chroma" );                            
//	    case GCI_YCbCr_CrBand   : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Cr Chroma" );                            
	    case GCI_Undefined      : qWarning( "ColorInterp = GCI_Undefined" );                        
		//case GCI_Max            : qWarning( "ColorInterp = Max current value" );                    

void BIScrollView::biPaintTile()
    if( biIsOpen == true ){
	QImage *result;
	QVector<QRgb> colors; 
	uchar * pafScanline; 
	int y_off = yScrollBar->value(); 
	int x_off = xScrollBar->value();  
	int xsize = biLbl->width();
	int ysize = biLbl->height();
	if( imgInfo_1.RasterCount >= 2 ) 
	    pafScanline = ( uchar* )CPLMalloc( xsize * ysize * 4 );
	    Q_CHECK_PTR( pafScanline );
	    for( int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i )   
		/*GDALRasterBand **/poBand_1;
		poBand_1 = m_Dataset_1->GetRasterBand( i );
		Q_CHECK_PTR( poBand_1 );
		static int smap[ 4 ] = { 0, 2, 1, 0 }; 
		if( poBand_1->RasterIO( GF_Read, x_off, y_off, xsize, ysize, 
				      pafScanline + smap[ i ], xsize, ysize, GDT_Byte,
				      4, xsize * 4 ) == CE_Failure ){
		    qWarning( "RasterIO error:"+QString( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) );
		else pafScanline_res = pafScanline;
	    result = new QImage( xsize, ysize, 32, 32 ); 
	    Q_CHECK_PTR( result ); 
	    for( int y = 0; y < ysize; ++y )  
		QRgb *sLine = ( QRgb * )result->scanLine( y );
		memcpy( sLine, pafScanline + y * xsize * 4, xsize * 4 );
	    pafScanline_res = pafScanline; return;
	    CPLFree( pafScanline );
	    canv->setBackgroundPixmap( QPixmap( *result ) );
	    delete result;
	if( imgInfo_1.RasterCount == 1 ){
	    pafScanline = ( uchar* )CPLMalloc( xsize * ysize );
	    int bps = 8;
	    int colors = ( bps < 8 ) ? 1 << bps : 256;
	    QImage * result = new QImage( 
		    ( bps > 1 ) ? 8 : 1,
		    ( bps > 1 ) ? QImage::IgnoreEndian : QImage::BigEndian );
	    result->setNumColors( colors );
	    /*GDALRasterBand **/poBand_1 = m_Dataset_1->GetRasterBand( 1 );
	    if( imgInfo_1.ColorInterp == GCI_PaletteIndex )
		GDALColorTableH gdalColorTable = GDALGetRasterColorTable( poBand_1 );
		if( gdalColorTable )
		    int count = GDALGetColorEntryCount( gdalColorTable );
		    for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			const GDALColorEntry * colorEntry = GDALGetColorEntry( gdalColorTable, i
			if( !colorEntry ) continue;
			result->setColor( i, qRgb( colorEntry->c1, colorEntry->c2, colorEntry->c3
) );
	    else if( imgInfo_1.ColorInterp == GCI_GrayIndex )
		float s = 255.0f / ( colors - 1 );
		result->setNumColors( colors );
		for( int i = 0; i < colors; ++i )
		    result->setColor( ( colors - 1 - i ), qRgb( ( int )( s * i + 0.5f ), (
int )( s * i + 0.5f ), ( int )( s * i + 0.5f ) ) );
		qWarning( "Invalid pallete in single channel" );
	    poBand_1->RasterIO( GF_Read, x_off, y_off, xsize, ysize, pafScanline,
xsize, ysize, GDT_Byte, 1, xsize );
	    pafScanline_res = pafScanline;
	    poBand_11 = poBand_1;
	    //m_Dataset_1->RasterIO( GF_Read, x_off, y_off, xsize, ysize,
pafScanline, xsize, ysize, GDT_Byte, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
	    for( int y = 0; y < ysize; ++y ){
		QRgb *sLine = ( QRgb * )result->scanLine( y );
		memcpy( sLine, pafScanline + y * xsize, xsize );
	    CPLFree( pafScanline );
	    canv->setBackgroundPixmap( QPixmap( *result ) );
	    canv->resize(result ->width(), result ->height());	    
	    delete result;
	}//if( tiffinfo.RasterCount == 1 )

... and i want to save same area to bmp-file.
I do as is written in documentation:

void BIScrollView::saveToImage(QString trnsfFilename)
    if( !trnsfFilename.isEmpty() ) 
	const char *pszFormat = "BMP";
	GDALDriver *poDriver;
	char **papszMetadata;
	poDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(pszFormat);
	if( poDriver == NULL )
	    qDebug("poDriver == NULL");
	papszMetadata = poDriver->GetMetadata();
	if( CSLFetchBoolean( papszMetadata, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, FALSE ) )
	    printf( "%s Create().\n", pszFormat );
	if( CSLFetchBoolean( papszMetadata, GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY, FALSE ) )
	    printf( "%s CreateCopy().\n", pszFormat );
	GDALDataset *poDstDS;       
	char **papszOptions = NULL;
	poDstDS = poDriver->Create( trnsfFilename, 512, 512, 1, GDT_Byte, 
				    papszOptions );

    double adfGeoTransform[6] = { 444720, 30, 0, 3751320, 0, -30 };
    OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
    char *pszSRS_WKT = NULL;
    GDALRasterBand *poBand;
    GByte abyRaster[512*515];

    poDstDS->SetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform );
    oSRS.SetUTM( 11, TRUE );
    oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( "NAD27" );
    oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszSRS_WKT );
    CPLFree( pszSRS_WKT );
    poBand = poDstDS->GetRasterBand(1);
    if (poBand->RasterIO( GF_Write, 0, 0, 512, 512, abyRaster, 512, 512,
GDT_Byte, 0, 0 ) == CE_Failure) 
    delete poDstDS;

What should I write instead of abyRaster?

View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/How-to-save-picture-into-bmp-file-tp3566284p3566284.html
Sent from the GDAL - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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