[gdal-dev] Unable to set GDAL_merge NODATA or calculate statistics

Olsen, Keith keith.olsen at oregonstate.edu
Thu Apr 1 20:06:14 EDT 2010


I have two questions.

1.       I have 32bit float rasters that I'm trying to merge.  GDAL_merge does not seem to set the output nodata to the first input raster nodata value.  There is a -n option, but the nodata value for a 32bit float is -3.4028235e+038.  Entering in this value with -n does not set the nodata value in the output tif.  Is there another way to express this value that gdal_merge understands?

2.       Is there a way for gdal_merge to automatically calculate the statistics on the output tif?  I have had issues with this before when writing out tif rasters with GDAL (c++).

--Keith Olsen

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