[gdal-dev] Default GeoTransform for MEM driver

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon Dec 9 11:54:35 PST 2013

Le lundi 09 décembre 2013 18:08:19, Ivan Lucena a écrit :
> The other problem with that documentation is the return code. CE_Failue
> means that the driver does not support it and/or that the dataset doesn't
> have it.

The current behaviour of the MEM driver doesn't particularly shock me. It 
seems OK to return CE_Failure if SetGeoTransform() hasn't been explicitely 
called to define it. And as far as the default geotransform, it is a matter of 
taste. [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] would be indeed a bit more classical for a 
ungeoreferenced image, but one can consider that if GetGeoTransform() returns 
CE_Failure, the returned geotransform is to be ignored.

To answere Tim's initial question {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1} is a north-up image :  
(0,0) is the coordinate of the upper left of the top left pixel, and y values 
are decreasing with image rows.


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