[gdal-dev] Error with VagrantFile due to postgis-gdal dependency

Jorge Arevalo jorgearevalo at libregis.org
Tue Jul 8 15:13:18 PDT 2014


I'm testing the VagrantFile included in GDAL trunk to create a development
environment for GDAL, based on Vagrant. I'm following the instructions [1],
but getting an error [2]

Looks like the problem is the dependency between PostGIS and GDAL. The
vagrant script tries to install PostGIS before GDAL, but PostGIS depends on
GDAL (I think it's just a PostGIS Raster issue, not sure about it).

If I comment the PostGIS part in the VagrantFile, it works. Tested with
trunk and 1.11.0 versions. Using Vagrant 1.5.4 on a Mac OS Mountain Lion

Is anyone else having the same problem?

Best regards,

Jorge Arevalo
Freelance developer


[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Vagrant
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