[gdal-dev] Create PostGIS database using OGR/GDAL

Paul Meems bontepaarden at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 00:45:03 PDT 2014

Thanks for your reply.

MapWinGIS is indeed a Windows-only project written in C++.
My test application is written in C#, so I can use npsql to connect to
PostGIS and send the 'Create database' statement.

But I'm mostly wondering why I can do everything with the PostGIS driver,
except create or drop a database.
Perhaps the driver needs a ExecuteNonQuery() function, like npsql does?


*Paul Meems *
Release manager, configuration manager
and forum moderator of MapWindow GIS.

Owner of MapWindow.nl - Support for
Dutch speaking users.

*The English presentations of the MapWindow GIS Conference 2014 are online.

2014-10-23 22:48 GMT+02:00 M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <znmeb at znmeb.net>:

> If this is a Windows-only project, you can write directly to PostgreSQL /
> PostGIS using the ODBC driver. And if you have shapefiles, there's a
> PostGIS utility called "shp2pgsql" that will import them.
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Paul Meems <bontepaarden at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> At this moment we are working on getting PostGIS support for MapWinGIS.
>> We use the PostGIS driver from GDALv2.
>> So far we can read and write layers.
>> We also want to implement some tests, which are also used as a show case
>> for other users.
>> For these tests I want to create a database, import some layers, doe
>> something with the layers and drop the database again.
>> Creating and dropping a database using ExecuteSQL() doesn't work as
>> stated at the driver page:
>> The PostgreSQL driver does not support creation of new datasets (a
>> database within PostgreSQL), but it does allow creation of new layers
>> within an existing database.
>> The error I'm getting is "CREATE DATABASE cannot run inside a transaction
>> block".
>> Does anybody have an idea how to solve this? I don't want to manually
>> create the database. The tests are more or less running automated. I would
>> also like to prevent to bypass GDAL/OGR and connect to PostGIS directly to
>> create and drop a database.
>> Any suggestions are much appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Paul
>> *Paul Meems *
>> Release manager, configuration manager
>> and forum moderator of MapWindow GIS.
>> www.mapwindow.org
>> Owner of MapWindow.nl - Support for
>> Dutch speaking users.
>> www.mapwindow.nl
>> *The English presentations of the MapWindow GIS Conference 2014 are
>> online. <http://www.slideshare.net/mapwindow>*
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