[gdal-dev] gdaldem definitions

Dominik Schneider Dominik.Schneider at Colorado.EDU
Sun Sep 21 16:45:16 PDT 2014

One correction, that should have said:
TPI "the central pixel is assigned the absolute difference between the
central pixel of a 3x3 window and mean of all pixels within the 3x3 window"

Dominik Schneider
o 303.735.6296 | c 518.956.3978

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 5:36 PM, Dominik Schneider <
dominik.schneider at colorado.edu> wrote:

> Hi -
> I was reviewing the gdaldem documentation and the definitions provided
> seem to differ from those in the cited article (Wilson et al. 2007)
> For example,
> TRI should be "the central pixel is assigned the mean of the absolute
> differences between a central pixel and its surrounding cells"
> TPI "the central pixel is assigned the absolute difference between the
> central pixel of a 3x3 window and all pixels within the 3x3 window"
> roughness "the central pixel is assigned the largest inter-cell
> difference within the 3x3 window surrounding the central pixel"
> of course, this is assuming the algorithms are actually those presented in
> the publication at the 3x3 scale as opposed to those written in the
> documentation.
> I assume the source code could be checked to resolve this question?
> Thanks and my apologies if I misunderstood something.
> Dominik
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