[gdal-dev] Programmatic creation of VRT

Julien Michel julien.michel at cnes.fr
Tue Jun 14 08:27:01 PDT 2016

Dear all,

Quick question about VRT programmatic creation. I have a list of files 
corresponding to different tiles of an image and I am writing some code 
to generate a mosaic VRT. For now I do it by directly writing XML to 
iostream but I saw that there is actually an API to do this in GDAL. 
This would be more convenient to report correctly metadata, geotransform 
and wkt ... Thing is, from the doxygen of VRTRasterBand and VRTDataset, 
it is not obvious if and how this can be done, and the VRT tutorial does 
not help much (my use case does not correspond to any of those 
presented). Does somebody know how to do this, or shall I stick to 
writing my own XML stuff to iostream ?

Thanks for your help,




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