[gdal-dev] Programmatic creation of VRT

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Jun 14 08:37:46 PDT 2016

Le mardi 14 juin 2016 17:27:01, Julien Michel a écrit :
> Dear all,
> Quick question about VRT programmatic creation. I have a list of files
> corresponding to different tiles of an image and I am writing some code
> to generate a mosaic VRT. For now I do it by directly writing XML to
> iostream but I saw that there is actually an API to do this in GDAL.
> This would be more convenient to report correctly metadata, geotransform
> and wkt ... Thing is, from the doxygen of VRTRasterBand and VRTDataset,
> it is not obvious if and how this can be done, and the VRT tutorial does
> not help much (my use case does not correspond to any of those
> presented). Does somebody know how to do this, or shall I stick to
> writing my own XML stuff to iostream ?


Since GDAL 2.1, if your need is basically what gdalbuildvrt does, you could 
call GDALBuildVRT() :

Otherwise, you can study how VRTBuilder::CreateVRTNonSeparate() uses the 
VRTDataset/Band API :


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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