[gdal-dev] Some packages are NOT able to be configured?

JIA Pei jp4work at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 19:10:06 PDT 2016

Hi, all:

I actually would like to enable as many packages as possible for gdal, but
it seems even if I strictly following "*./configure --hel*p", some packages
are still NOT able to be configured correctly.
For instance, *HDF5* (instead of *HDF4*)?

I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.1, and it seems the default *gdal* from repository
is based on *HDF4* ??
That's why I would like to build *gdal* by myself.


> GDAL is now configured for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
>  Installation directory:    /usr/local
>  C compiler:                gcc -DHAVE_AVX_AT_COMPILE_TIME
>  C++ compiler:              g++ -DHAVE_AVX_AT_COMPILE_TIME
>  LIBTOOL support:           yes
>  LIBZ support:              external
>  LIBLZMA support:           yes
>  cryptopp support:          yes
>  GRASS support:             no
>  CFITSIO support:           external
>  PCRaster support:          internal
>  LIBPNG support:            external
>  DDS support:               yes
>  GTA support:               no
>  LIBTIFF support:           internal (BigTIFF=yes)
>  LIBGEOTIFF support:        internal
>  LIBJPEG support:           internal
>  12 bit JPEG:               yes
>  12 bit JPEG-in-TIFF:       yes
>  LIBGIF support:            internal
>  OGDI support:              no
>  HDF4 support:              no
>  HDF5 support:              no
>  Kea support:               no
>  NetCDF support:            no
>  Kakadu support:            no
>  JasPer support:            no
>  OpenJPEG support:          no
>  ECW support:               no
>  MrSID support:             no
>  MrSID/MG4 Lidar support:   no
>  MSG support:               no
>  GRIB support:              yes
>  EPSILON support:           no
>  WebP support:              no
>  cURL support (wms/wcs/...):no
>  PostgreSQL support:        yes
>  MRF support:               yes
>  MySQL support:             no
>  Ingres support:            no
>  Xerces-C support:          no
>  NAS support:               no
>  Expat support:             yes
>  libxml2 support:           no
>  Google libkml support:     yes
>  ODBC support:              no
>  PGeo support:              no
>  FGDB support:              no
>  MDB support:               no
>  PCIDSK support:            internal
>  OCI support:               no
>  GEORASTER support:         no
>  SDE support:               no
>  Rasdaman support:          no
>  DODS support:              no
>  SQLite support:            yes
>  PCRE support:              no
>  SpatiaLite support:        no
>  DWGdirect support          no
>  INFORMIX DataBlade support:no
>  GEOS support:              yes
>  QHull support:             internal
>  Poppler support:           no
>  Podofo support:            no
>  PDFium support:            no
>  OpenCL support:            no
>  Armadillo support:         no
>  FreeXL support:            no
>  SOSI support:              no
>  MongoDB support:           no
>  SWIG Bindings:             no
>  Statically link PROJ.4:    no
>  enable GNM building:       no
>  enable pthread support:    yes
>  enable POSIX iconv support:yes
>  hide internal symbols:     no
> jiapei:gdal$


Pei JIA, Ph.D.

Email: jp4work at gmail.com
cell in Canada:    +1 778-863-5816
cell in China: +86 186-8244-3503

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