[gdal-dev] GDAL GML and OpenLayers

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 00:39:50 PDT 2017


I'm trying to get OpenLayers (v4.3.2) understand GML made by GDAL (in 
the context of a WFS). GDAL has a lot of creation options for GML and 
the best results I've got with TARGET_NAMESPACE = 
http://ogr.maptools.org/, PREFIX = ogr, and FORMAT = GML2. That has 
worked with earlier (v2) OpenLayers but with v4 the features are 
understood but not their geometries. This may not be the full issue but 
if I produce the geometries the way geoserver seems to do, I get OL to 
understand them.

Geometry produced by GDAL as GML2, not working with new OL:

<gml:Polygon srsName="EPSG:3857">
2487091.13966301,9293167.94709709 2491983.10947327,9276046.05276121 

Geometry that works with new OL:

<gml:Polygon srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#3857" 
<gml:posList>2423495.53212975 9236910.2942792 2487091.13966301 
9293167.94709709 2491983.10947327 9276046.05276121 2440617.42646563 
9212450.44522794 2423495.53212975 9236910.2942792</gml:posList>

I'm using ol.format.WFS to parse the GML. If I give it a constructor 
option gmlFormat:ol.format.GML2, the parsing causes an error because 
ol.format.GML2 does not have a feature collection parser.


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