[gdal-dev] Determining Native Data Field Type Names for a Given Layer or Driver

Andrew Joseph ap.joseph at live.com
Tue Sep 26 17:16:28 PDT 2017

I'm using the GDAL Java Bindings (most recent dev version 2.3.0) and looking
to determine the native datatype of a given layer field -or at least the
default mapping of the driver. For example I have manually written code like
the following for Postgres/Postgis:

  private static final BiMap<String,Integer> PG_OGR_GOMETRY_TYPE_MAP =
      new ImmutableBiMap.Builder<String, Integer>()

  private static final BiMap<String,Integer> POSTGIS_OGR_DATATYPE_MAP =
      new ImmutableBiMap.Builder<String, Integer>()

However, it would obviously be orders of magnitude more
convenient/future-proofed to simply retrieve these mappings from the
driver/layer itself since each driver/layer must logically already have such
a mapping. In addition, is it possible to get the native datatypes that
would be generated when copying, say a shapefile to postgres without
actually copying the data itself?

I've tried layer.GetMetadata_Dict() and driver.GetMetadata_Dict() but have
come up bereft of the datatype mappings.

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