[gdal-dev] spatialite on Debian: neither lwgeom nor rttopo

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Sun Feb 18 14:18:30 PST 2018

Hi there!

Did anyone recognize that stable and unstable Debian neither builds
lwgeom nor rttopo in libspatialite by default?

This means: no ST-functions using SQLite dialect.

For lwgeom it might be disabled due to licensing problems. spatialite's
support for rttopo might be unstable, so this is for homebrew only.
But nobody can test it, since it's also disabled by default.

If you manually enable lwgeom in the Debian sources and rebuild the
package, everything works as expected... Didn't try for rttopo, but
should behave equal.

Best regards,

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