[gdal-dev] ESRI FileGDB driver causing issues with Postgis build due to packaged libstdc++

Andrew Joseph ap.joseph at live.com
Thu Sep 26 14:54:31 PDT 2019

I'm updating a docker build of gdal/postgis with gdal 3.0.1 and postgis
3.0.0alpha4 on top of a docker image of debian:buster-slim

below is my FileGDB build:

wget -q -O "$FGDB_BUNDLE"
mkdir -p $FGDB_BUILD_DIR
tar -xzf "$FGDB_BUNDLE" -C "$FGDB_BUILD_DIR" --strip-components 1
chown -R root:root ${FGDB_BUILD_DIR}
echo "$FGDB_BUILD_DIR/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/filegdbapi.conf
rm -rf ${FGDB_BUNDLE}

When building postgis, I get the following error:

/usr/bin/clang-7: /usr/local/FileGDB_API/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version
`GLIBCXX_3.4.22' not found (required by

I know about the issue with older versions of the API and am using the
latest version (1.5.1). 
I cannot simply use the OpenFileGDB Driver as I need write support. 

Is there any workaround for this?

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