[gdal-dev] PostGIS and ogrinfo: not able to view all the tables of a PostGIS schema

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Nov 30 04:53:56 PST 2022

try adding -oo LIST_ALL_TABLES=YES

cf https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/pg.html#dataset-open-options

Le 30/11/2022 à 13:00, andy a écrit :
> Hi,
> if I run
> ogrinfo -ro -so PG:"dbname='arpa_db' host='192.168.xxx.xxx' 
> port='5432' user='postgres' password='xxxx' schemas=public"
> I see 3 tables in the list. The real list contains 32 tables.
> If I explore the same schema, with the same credentials, using pgAdmin 
> 4 I see all 32 tables.
> If I run ogrinfo pointing to a table that ogr does not see, I read the 
> info of that table.
> What am I doing wrong using OGR? Why does it not list all 32 tables?
> Thank you
> -- 
> ___________________
> Andrea Borruso
> website: https://medium.com/tantotanto
> 38° 7' 48" N, 13° 21' 9" E, EPSG:4326
> ___________________
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> e farlo durare, e dargli spazio"
> Italo Calvino
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