[gdal-dev] Setting TIFFTAG_* in COG

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Dec 4 07:46:38 PST 2023


TIFFTAG_DATETIME or AREA_OR_POINT are copied by the COG/GTiff drivers 
from the source dataset metadata.

So using gdal_translate / GDALTranslate(), you may set them with the 
"-mo KEY=VALUE" option.

If using an intermediate VRT as the source for GDALCreateCopy(), then 
you may call SetMetadataItem("KEY", "VALUE") on the VRT. I don't see an 
option in GDALBuildVRT() to do that, but you can definitely open the VRT 
after it has been created and call SetMetadataItem() on it


Le 04/12/2023 à 16:14, Javier Jimenez Shaw via gdal-dev a écrit :
> Hi
> I am trying to convert a "normal" tiff file into a COG. For that I am 
> using an intermediate vrt file to add the geolocation parameters, and 
> finally copy the vrt into a COG.
> I am doing it in C++, but it should be similar doing it on the command 
> line I hope. (In some cases I am using also other parameters of the 
> gdalbuildvrt).
> My problem is how are the "magic words" to set the TIFFTAG_* (like 
> TIFFTAG_DATETIME) in the final COG. I guess I could use the option 
> "-oo" for the options in GDALBuildVRT, or in the options of the method 
> "CreateCopy" for COG driver.
> Is that doable that way? Should I prefix "TIFFTAG_..." with something 
> like "GDALMETADATA:"? (I tried, unsuccessfully)
> Is that the same for AREA_OR_POINT?
> Thanks.
> .___ ._ ..._ .. . ._.  .___ .. __ . _. . __..  ... .... ._ .__
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