[gdal-dev] Error when trying to build Docker Images

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Feb 14 14:53:30 PST 2023

Le 14/02/2023 à 23:45, Dirk Stenger a écrit :
> Thank you for the help.
> Your proposed solution works for ubuntu-small.
> However, when I am trying to build ubuntu-full, I get a new error:
Did you "git pull" to get the latest state of the repository ? The error 
you get might come from the fact that you run a Docker build based on an 
outdated recipee which drags the new state of master, as the Docker 
build scripts do not use the GDAL sources of the working copy but from 
the latest master (yeah, quite unusual). There has been an update 
regarding pdfium beginning of December.

My software is free, but my time generally not.

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