[gdal-dev] Shapefile: Write alternative PRJ WKT format

Craig de Stigter craig.destigter at koordinates.com
Sun Jul 9 23:42:29 PDT 2023

Hi there

We export data in a variety of coordinate systems and formats. Most formats
work with most coordinate systems.

However, the SHP driver always calls MorphToESRI() on its SRS objects
before writing them as WKT to the PRJ files.

I haven't been able to find information on why it does this. It means
certain coordinate systems (geocentric, for instance) don't work with SHP
and raise an exception.

Could we add a creation option to customise this behaviour?


Platform Engineer

+64 21 256 9488 <+64%2021%20256%209488> / koordinates.com / @koordinates
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