[gdal-dev] how do you install and configure ogr2ogr on windows with anaconda3

Vijay Kurhade vijay.kurhade at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 02:53:44 PDT 2023


i have anaconda3 on my windows system;  after installing gdal i can check
from command prompt ogr2ogr --version and it returns

ogr2ogr --version
GDAL 3.6.2, released 2023/01/02

But when i try to run it on my intended dxf file I get following errors

ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Cannot find proj.db
ERROR 1: Failed to process SRS definition: EPSG:4326

Am I missing setting any system variables for proj.db? Where do I find it?

Thanks in advance.

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