[gdal-dev] Improving details of the project build system and/or documentation

Sean Gillies sean.gillies at gmail.com
Sun May 28 12:49:46 PDT 2023

Hi Even,

I took better notes during my latest upgrade and wrote them down here:

Using the CMake files as a source of truth helps. But they don't describe
everything. For example, they don't explain that GDAL needs libhdf5 to be
built with special features. That one stumped me for a while. I was seeing
a build message like "HDF5 not detected (found version 1.12.1)". I finally
found the clue in the vcpkg repo.

Also, the CMake files don't explain that the GDAL MBTiles driver depends on
the OGR MVT driver.

On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 8:53 AM Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>

> Hi Sean,
> I presume you got this because you defined OGR_BUILD_OPTIONAL_DRIVERS=OFF
> which then cause OGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_AVC to be set to OFF.
> We already a quite overwhelming amount of documentation in
> https://gdal.org/development/building_from_source.html about all the
> existing variables, and I'm not sure adding an exhaustive list of all the
> inter driver dependencies will be user-digestable and could rot easily.
> That said in https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/7806 I've tried to
> improve the current error message with a hint for the reason for the error
> and the (likely) reason for it to happen.
> I've also added pointers in the doc page to the CMakeLists.txt files where
> the dependencies are expressed. Hopefully people who are in the business of
> making custom GDAL builds can make sense of that.
> Even
> Le 20/05/2023 à 01:26, Sean Gillies a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I really appreciate the documentation at
> https://gdal.org/development/building_from_source.html. But there are
> gaps. For example, today I ran into
> CMake Error at cmake/helpers/GdalDriverHelper.cmake:331 (message):
> GDAL_ENABLE_DRIVER_AIGRID cannot be enabled because condition
> OGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_AVC is not met. To ignore this error (but the driver
> will not be built), set the GDAL_IGNORE_FAILED_CONDITIONS variable
> This dependence isn't documented. It's a bit frustrating to work through
> missing directives one at a time when adding new drivers to my build.
> Is it possible for a driver's dependencies to be enabled when I enable a
> driver?
> If not, can we consider using GDAL maintenance funding and resources on
> documenting the heck out of this system?

Sean Gillies
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