[gdal-dev] GDAL 3.8.1 RC1 is available, and motion to approve it

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Nov 24 04:16:35 PST 2023

> The Python utilities are no longer installed with the .py extension, 
> this broke their use in QGIS when we removed this in the Debian 
> package some time ago. Don't know if that's still the case. Either 
> way, this doesn't seem like an appropriate change for a .1 patch release.

Are you sure about the .py utilities no longer be installed? Because, I 
see both /usr/bin/gdal2tiles and /usr/bin/gdal2tiles.py installed on 
Ubuntu 22.04 (before I reverted the change to add the launcher scripts)


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