[gdal-dev] GPKG raster creation : error with too small resolution

Philippe Ghesquiere philippe.ghesquiere at airbus.com
Thu Jan 18 05:22:05 PST 2024

Dear all,

I just had an error while converting an image to GPKG. This image has a
very small resolution and gdal_translate pops up an error message.

*Test image :*
gdal_create -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -outsize 2000 2000 -burn 255
-burn 0 -burn 0 -bands 3 -ot Byte -a_srs epsg:32631 -a_ullr 1000000 1000000
1000002 1000002 1mm.tif

*Conversion to GPKG :*
gdal_translate -of GPKG -co TILING_SCHEME=InspireCRS84Quad -co
Input file size is 2000, 2000
ERROR 1: Could not find an appropriate zoom level

The error is due to  ogrgeopackagedatasource.cpp
3169), and it does make sense : the zoom level is too high (Z>25).

However, wouldn't it be possible to modify gdal_translate behavior ?
For example, we could :

   - let GDAL compute the appropriate zoom level : -co
   - optionally specify a maximum zoom level : -co MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL=18

What do you think ?

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