[gdal-dev] Variable Tile Sizes

cfis at savagexi.com cfis at savagexi.com
Thu Mar 7 19:11:35 PST 2024

We have a custom tiling scheme (tilematrixset) for satellite imagery that varies tile widths as they move closer/farther from the equator. We do this for speed/efficiency reasons and the amount of error introduced is minimal over short distances and doesn't impat running CV algorithms. However, this means that our tiles may differ in width by a pixel for a paritcular satellite image (we tile the images).  

Using gdalbuildvirt to combine the tiles back into a single image  works fine.

However, we would like to serve them using the OGC tile api. And that doesn't work, due to this error:

> ERROR 1: GDALWMS: Incorrect size 983 x 1232 of downloaded block, expected 982 x 1232, max 982 x 1232.ERROR 1: GDALWMS: ReadBlockFromFile ( failed.ERROR 1: GDAL_WMS>, band 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0: GDALWMS: ReadBlockFromFile ( failed.

The code that causes this is:

> **
> */* expected size */*const int esx = **MIN**(MAX(0, (x + 1) * nBlockXSize), nRasterXSize) -
>  **MIN**(MAX(0, x * nBlockXSize), nRasterXSize);
> const int esy = **MIN**(MAX(0, (y + 1) * nBlockYSize), nRasterYSize) -
>  **MIN**(MAX(0, y * nBlockYSize), nRasterYSize);
> int sx = ds->GetRasterXSize();
> int sy = ds->GetRasterYSize();
> */* Allow bigger than expected so pre-tiled constant size images work on** * corners */*
> if ((sx > nBlockXSize) || (sy > nBlockYSize) || (sx < esx) || (sy < esy)){ CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDALWMS: Incorrect size %d x %d of downloaded block, " "expected %d x %d, max %d x %d.", sx, sy, esx, esy, nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize); ret = CE_Failure;}
I was hoping that the comment about bigger than expected size images would work, but from the error message above it does not.

So I expect the answer is no, but is there any way we could work around, loosen or disable this restriction? Or some other idea on how to make this work?

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