[gdal-dev] Using a "standard" argument parser for command line utilities?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Mar 8 09:44:27 PST 2024

Le 08/03/2024 à 18:34, Javier Jimenez Shaw a écrit :
> I don't like that the behaviour of a command line depends on the 
> configuration of the user (that is usually not aware of). So a command 
> that works for me doesn't work for you. That is bad.
I was perhaps not clear. Let me clarify, but at least for the current 
state of utilities, the current locale shouldn't matter because we use 
locale-independent methods. And that should be an aim for the new parser 
> I don't know in GDAL, but in proj there is the option --bbox, that has 
> comma separated coordinates. That can be -10.5,5.1,-9.5,6.3

in GDAL I can only think of cases where the separator is space. I 
believe that we could use CPLAtofM() (accepting dot or comma) in 
situations where there's no ambiguity, and CPLAtof() (accepting dot 
only) if there are situations where comma is used as a separator between 
numbers themselves (to be confirmed we have such occurences)

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