[gdal-dev] Utilizing GDAL for adding overviews layer in python language

Pradeep Mahato pradeep.cabs at gov.in
Mon Mar 11 23:59:42 PDT 2024

Dear Team, 
We are working on a project with Geo-spatial images using python language for our development purpose. To visualize the images properly pyramid layer is necessary. GDAL buildoverview functionality of python, we are using to generate the overview but it is utilizing only the CPU. We are able to generate the pyramid layer using other python library utilizing the GPU but not able to add this pyramid layer into the geospatial images of ".tiff" file format as overview layer. 

Please help us in this regards if any GDAL function is there to add the pyramid as overview layer. 

Thanks and Regards, 
Pradeep Kumar Mahato 
Phone: 080-2504 9199/ +91 8762020114 

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