[OSGeodata] geodata schema

Stefan F. Keller sfkeller at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 21:55:28 EDT 2006

I've finished to write down an initial version of the comparison between WFS
and OAI-PMH as Tom suggested.

This includes an information model which turns out to be nothing else than
Dublin Core with more specific attributes. I did not yet check this with
other models yet except ISO 19115 Core.

To me, OAI-PMH seems to be a perfect match, the more I consider it! In my
evaluation WFS seems to amenable to being profiled but OAI-PMH is more lean
and fit-and-ready-for-use. After all: OA means open access... :->

So specification discussion could be focused on defining the protocol
a) How to extend the query ListRecords and ListIdentifiers (if spatial
constraints are really needed here)
b) Forget version negotiation?

And regarding the information model, the semantic def. of the following
attributes needs further discussion (all are probably enums):
1. Relation (to other records)
2. Type (protocol enum to catch WxS services?)
3. Identifier (as URL/URNs like in WFS)
4. Coverage.box and Coverage.name
5. Subject (= 19115 category list)

If done, we could finally decide on the encoding, starting obviously with
RSS or RDF...
Comments are welcome.
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