[OSGeodata] Geodata meeting this Thursday 1600GMT, 1100EST

Norman Barker nbarker at ittvis.com
Thu Nov 2 06:25:59 EST 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: Jo Walsh [mailto:jo at frot.org] 
Sent: 31 October 2006 21:35
To: geodata at geodata.osgeo.org
Subject: [OSGeodata] Geodata meeting this Thursday 1600GMT, 1100EST

dear all,

Let's meet and greet, this week on Thursday in the regular place -
#osgeo on irc.freenode.net - at the regular time - 1600 GMT/1100EST.


I should be able to log into the IRC meeting for 1/2 an hour or so, but
just an update here rather than type it into IRC.  I have been a bit
busy doing work stuff;

1) Finished EJB3 PostGIS Geometry Driver - allowing updates from JBoss
(in PostGIS tree with a supporting tutorial -
http://postgis.refractions.net/support/wiki/index.php?SpatialEJB3 -
Python client interface put in especially for this group!)
2) Integrated EJB3 PostGIS driver, Lucene using EJB3 (Hibernate)
3) Written a data ingest front end (basic)

Plans / discussions;
1) Approach Centre for Geospatial Science (CGS), Nottingham UK to
discuss possible deployments 
2) GeoRSS, WFS Basic type catalog?
3) Security using annotations
4) Put it out under LGPL license

I note all the good work done by Geotools, and Geonetwork if any reps
are on the IRC perhaps we can discuss

1) License of Geonetwork - GPL not very vendor friendly
2) Plans of GeoServer to go 'more' enterprise with Spring / EJB
3) Transactions, security, simplicity through annotations
4) Cluster deployment

Apologies if this lacks some of the vision of discussing general
catalogs; for this I am focusing on implementation with a particular
group of technologies and I hope this still fits in.


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