Posal codes of Germany

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Wed Nov 22 08:25:10 EST 2006

I would like to host 8270 postal code polygons of Germany in OSGeo's geodata repository. Ideally as downloadable PostGIS SQL Dump and shape file as well as WMS and WFS services. At a later stage (when I finally got around to finishing off implementing an automated history) also as WFS-T with a Mapbender digitizing front end for people to maintain the polygons Wiki style. 

The data is currently dual licensed as GNU FDL and PGL in the hope that one of the two will eventually win out or be replaced by yet another document license. I am the sole copyright holder and can branch and relicense at any time. I would like to transfer this copyright to the OSGeo foundation as soon as there is a mechanism to do this. I am prepared to guinea pig this process if required. The data has been publicly available for download since 2002 and has spread into many different projects. Having a sole point of access from the OSGeo repository would make things a lot easier for people using the data. The boundaries represent the status of 1999 (after the last major changes resulting from merging eastern and western Germany have been included). Data precision is about 15 meters which for most questions seems to be enough. The data might not be geometrically exact with respect to CITE criteria. An automated or semi automated quality assurance tool (GeoServer, JumpGIS?) co
uld help to produce some more meta data describing the quality. Ideally the meta data would also be maintained in the OSGeo repository.

Please bear with my ignorance and point me to the places I have to go to get all this done. There is no hurry. 

Thanks a lot,

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