[Geodata] Do *you* have some data you'd like to serve?

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at crschmidt.net
Sun Apr 8 08:56:31 EDT 2007

Yesterday, John Grahm and the San Diego Supercomputer Center got a brand
spanking new box for serving geodata, and it's super sweet.

We're running debian on it, and we have the latest and greatest GDAL,
GRASS, and MapServer installed.

What I'd like to know is if anyone at the moment has any large,
worldwide datasets that they want to serve up as a web service, and
can't. We're currently working on getting Landsat data hosted there, and
I've already got TileCache and other pieces neccesary for making fast
OpenLayers based data browsers.

So, do you have any data you'd like to see served as a WMS, but isn't
currently available? I'd love to see us start getting this data up and

Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer

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